Submissions Open for ‘War Poetry’ Manuscripts

Middle West Press LLC , the Iowa-based business that administers The Aiming Circle community of practice as well as other military-writing projects, recently issued a call for single-author poetry manuscripts centering on or adjacent to issues of war, healing, and military service . If accepted and contracted, publication would occur in 2024 or 2025. Manuscripts should comprise 50 to 100 poems each . The publisher seeks manuscripts that intersect in some way with military experience or service , especially those stemming from the lived experiences of women veterans, poets of color, poets who identify as LGBTQ+, and other marginalized voices. Past and present military service members, family members, and others are invited to submit work. This reading period ends March 4, 2024 or a maximum of 25 submissions, whichever comes first. The publisher’s Submittable page is here at link . The call for submissions is here at link . Submissions will be processed "First-In, First Out....