Military Writers Guild Anthology to be Published December 2019

In a one-of-a-kind anthology, more than 60 leading and emerging writers —novelists, essayists, journalists, poets, podcasters, playwrights, and more—offer their professional how-to secrets, techniques, and inspirations around themes of war and the military. Published in partnership with the non-profit Military Writers Guild, “Why We Write: Craft Essays about Writing War” is projected to be published Dec. 10, 2019. The line-up of notable and best-selling authors includes, in no particular order: Phil Klay Vanya Eftimova Bellinger David Abrams Alex Finley Gayle Tzemach Lemmon Thomas E. Ricks Kate Germano Peter Van Buren Kori Schake Max Brooks Jessica Scott Carmen Gentile Hugh Martin Robert L. Bateman P.W. Singer & August Cole Established in 2017 for the purpose of promoting professional collaboration in the practice of writing, the Military Writers Guild ( ) has grown to comprise more than 150 past and present service members, as w...