
Showing posts from 2020

War-Lit Anthology Launches Today!

Our Best War Stories , an anthology collection of prize-winning poems, short fiction, and essays spanning the first five years of the Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards launches in trade paperback and Kindle e-book today, Oct. 13, 2020. You can order via Amazon, or via other national and local independent booksellers: Print:  Kindle e-book:  "This anthology is a perfect introduction to both new and established voices who are writing about wars from Vietnam, to Iraq and Afghanistan—while also exemplifying the increasing diversity of life-experiences that should be included under the big-tent definition of "military writing,'" says Christopher Lyke, editor of the anthology and a founding editor of the Chicago-based literary journal Line of Advance . "Many of our finalists have gone on to create award-winning books and other projects," says Lyke. "We can't wait to see what's next for th

Journal Names 2020 Wright Award-winners

Editors of Chicago-based non-profit literary journal  Line of Advance  have announced the winning entries for the 5th Annual  Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards . The awards annually recognize excellence in prose and poetry by U.S. military service members and veterans—and, starting this year, military family members. Cash prizes of $250, $150, and $100 are awarded in each category. Katey Schultz , the author of the award-winning flash-fiction collection  Flashes of War , and the Afghan War novel  Still Come Home,  served as the distinguished guest judge for the 2020 Wright Awards. “Our journal proudly serves as a leading venue for the best of ‘veterans-lit,’ with works by men and women who have served in all uniforms and in all eras,” says U.S. Army veteran Christopher Lyke, editor of  Line of Advance . “We are grateful to the record-breaking number of veterans and family members who shared their prose and poetry with us this year, and to Katey Shultz, who helped us m

Book Cover Revealed: "Our Best War Stories"!

An independent micro-publisher of histories and poetry, often centered on the voices and military experiences of the American Midwest, has revealed the cover of a forthcoming anthology of prose and poetry collecting five years’ of winners and finalists  curated by editors of the Chicago-based non-profit literary journal  Line of Advance . “We’re very pleased to again work with Battlefield Designs for the cover of an anthology we're calling  Our Best War Stories ,” says Randy Brown, editor-publisher of the Iowa-based Middle West Press LLC. “Designer Paul Hewitt artfully delivered a compelling visual concept, one that gives tribute to the experiences of service members, veterans, and families —from all eras, branches, and theaters.  This book will be a significant benchmark of creative story-telling around the contemporary military experience. ” Since 2016, the Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards  have annually recognized excellence in  prose (includes fiction, non-fi

Writing Contest Expands to Include Military Family

Darron L. Wright PHOTO: Line of Advance Editors of Chicago-based non-profit literary journal Line of Advance have announced an expansion of the Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards will include additional prose (includes fiction, creative non-fiction, and hybrid forms) and poetry categories for spouses, parents, and children of U.S. service members and veterans. Since 2016, the Wright Awards have annually recognized excellence in prose and poetry by U.S. military service members and veterans. With today's announcement, the Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards expands to four categories. Cash prizes of $250, $150, and $100 will be available in each of the following: Service Member/Veteran Prose (includes fiction, creative non-fiction, hybrid) Service Member/Veteran Poetry Family Member Prose (includes fiction, creative non-fiction, hybrid) Family Member Poetry “The Line of Advance proudly serves as a leading venue for the best of ‘veterans-lit,’

Anthology to Celebrate Darron L. Wright Awards

Editors of Chicago-based non-profit literary journal Line of Advance have announced a forthcoming print and e-book anthology will collect the winning entries from the first five years (2016-2020) of the annual Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards . The awards annually recognize excellence in prose and poetry by U.S. military service members and veterans. Cash prizes of $250, $150, and $100 are available in each category. “The Line of Advance proudly serves as a leading venue for the best of ‘veterans-lit,’ with works by men and women who have served in all uniforms and in all eras,” says the journal’s editor-in-chief Christopher Lyke , who will also edit the anthology. “We are also grateful to the underwriters of our cash prizes, who, through their generosity, help promote creatively crafted veterans’ stories to wider audiences.” This year’s Darron L. Wright award finalists will be included in the anthology. Submissions for the 2020 Darron L. Wright awards open May 1,