
Showing posts from May, 2020

Book Cover Revealed: "Our Best War Stories"!

An independent micro-publisher of histories and poetry, often centered on the voices and military experiences of the American Midwest, has revealed the cover of a forthcoming anthology of prose and poetry collecting five years’ of winners and finalists  curated by editors of the Chicago-based non-profit literary journal  Line of Advance . “We’re very pleased to again work with Battlefield Designs for the cover of an anthology we're calling  Our Best War Stories ,” says Randy Brown, editor-publisher of the Iowa-based Middle West Press LLC. “Designer Paul Hewitt artfully delivered a compelling visual concept, one that gives tribute to the experiences of service members, veterans, and families —from all eras, branches, and theaters.  This book will be a significant benchmark of creative story-telling around the contemporary military experience. ” Since 2016, the Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards  have annually recognized excellence in  prose (includes fiction, non-fi